Friday, January 9, 2015

5V News

Curriculum topics:
  • Reading nonfiction
  • Research-based argument writing 
  • 13 colonies 
  • Order of operations 
Coming up....Innovation Day! 
What is Innovation Day?  
For a whole day, students will get to choose what they want to study, decide on what resources they will need for their learning, and design and plan a project that demonstrates what they have learned. Teachers guide students in developing higher level questions based on their interests.  Students will generate a list of materials they will need to bring from home to complete their projects and they will also create a list of resources they need from school. Our Innovation Day will be Friday, January 30th.

During Innovation Day, teachers will facilitate, coach, question and guide.  

The final step in our Innovation Day will be the presentation of projects.  We think that placing students projects on display the following morning for the other fifth graders to view would add to the importance of such an opportunity.  Projects will also be documented through pictures and videos.

How will we grade and evaluate the work?

We won’t!  The purpose and focus of Innovation Day is the learning.  It is not intended to have a rubric attached to it, nor should students be trying to figure out how to achieve an “A”.  

Notes and reminders:
  • Quarter 2 closes on January 16th and report cards go home January 30th
Have a great weekend!

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