Friday, May 31, 2013

5V News

We are still going strong in 5V with 14 school days left and a lot to do! 

Here is what we've been up to:
  • Building our background knowledge for The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and The Bill of Rights
  • Practicing our play- The U.S. Constitution- Revivor: Philadelphia 
  • Formed our construction groups for our bridges project and decided on jobs 
  • Planning our toothpick bridges
  • Writing our persuasive essays 
  • Listening to My Brother Sam is Dead during read aloud
End of year dates:

June 3- Grandparents lunch
June 5- Our trip to CMS
June 12- 2:00 Volunteer Appreciation Tea (more information soon) 
June 17- Field trip to Odiorne Point (all parents welcome to attend- please meet us there)
June 19- 11:15-12:30 Parents invited for play, bridges and altered books
June 19- Fifth grade celebration 6:30 pm
June 20- last day 

Please look for Friday folders two more times- June 7th and June 14th.  Have a great weekend!  

Friday, May 24, 2013

5V News

Thank you:
Thank you to all parents who joined us yesterday in Boston!  We had a great day learning about the American Revolution and the students were excited to see the places we have been learning about!

Our last math test on unit 8 is today.  We will continue to study parts of unit 9 and then move on to Bridges- an integrated science and math unit.  In this project students will be placed in teams consisting of an architect, accountant and other jobs.  Their task will be to design and create a toothpick bridge to hold the maximum amount of weight.  Students love this project and parents will be invited in at the end of the year to "judge" these bridges.  From this point forward, there will be less math homework (study links) coming home as the Bridges project will be done mostly in class.

CMS form:
Today a blue form is being sent home from CMS.  This form asks you and your child to decide on chorus, band, string orchestra or general music for next year.  Please return this form here by June 7th.

Please join us on Wednesday, June 19th from 11:15 to 12:30.  Students will be performing our Constitution play and parents will have an opportunity to judge our bridges and view our altered books. 

June 3- Grandparents lunch
June 5- Our trip to CMS
June 12- 2:00 Volunteer Appreciation Tea (more information soon) 
June 17- Field trip to Odiorne Point 
June 19- 11:15-12:30 Parents invited for play, bridges and altered books
June 19- Fifth grade celebration 6:30 pm
June 20- last day 

Friday, May 17, 2013

5V News

Boston Field Trip:
I hope you are planning on joining us on Thursday, May 23rd.  Students and any parents attending should plan on arriving to school at 7:45 as the bus is leaving 8:00.  Students will need to be picked up at 4:15 at SMS.  The Tea Party museum will cost $21 for adults and the Freedom Trail tour will be $12 for adults.  Please let me know if you have any questions and I hope to see you next Thursday! 

CMS visit:
This week we enjoyed our CMS visit!  We were able to meet two of the sixth grade counselors and learned about how the teams, schedules and lockers work.  We were also able to view some photos of the school and videos from current sixth grade students.  Many students commented that they became more excited after the visit.  We will be visiting CMS on June 5th. 

Upcoming dates
May 23- Boston field tirp
June 3- Grandparents lunch
June 5- Our trip to CMS
June 17- Field trip to Odiorne Point
June 19- Fifth grade celebration 6:30 pm
June 20- last day

Friday, May 10, 2013

5V News

Boston field trip:
Two parents were chosen by lottery to have their admission paid for by the school.  If you were not notified you may still join us on the bus!  Here are links to the two events that include pricing:

Boston Tea Party Museum:

Freedom Trail:

We are learning about:
  • Colonization
  • Multiplying fractions
  • Persuasive Essays 
  • Historical Fiction
Some activities we did this week:
  • Practiced multiplying fractions
  • Made area models for multiplying fractions
  • Brainstormed persuasive essay ideas
  • Chose our audience and voice for our persuasive writing pieces 
  • Researched the New England, Middle or Southern colonies
  • Created postcards to convince our relatives in Europe to move to the colonies
  • Finished Maniac Magee during read aloud
  • Discussed high quality response to reading in preparation for book groups
  • Chose our historical fiction book group books and began reading
  • Enjoyed our school's wellness walk 
Upcoming dates
May 10- PTO fun run at 6:00 (you may see me in the dunk tank!)
May 15- CMS staff visits us in the morning, early release
May 15- Bill Furbush, CMS principal at 6:30 pm will be speaking to parents here at SMS
May 23- Boston field tirp
June 5- Our trip to CMS
June 17- Field trip to Odiorne Point
June 19- Fifth grade celebration 6:30 pm
June 20- last day

Friday, May 3, 2013

5V News

Boston field trip
We are the only class attending on Thursday, May 23rd so we can take as many chaperones as we would like.  The two chaperones that are chosen from the lottery will have their admission paid by the school.  All other parents are welcome to attend either by bus or they may drive themselves and they would need to pay their own admission.  This is a great field trip and I encourage as many parents to attend as possible.  Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Upcoming dates
I will keep you up to date as we learn more about end of school year dates and activities.  This is a list of what we have so far:
May 8- Wellness walk at 1:30
May 10- PTO fun run at 6:00 (you may see me in the dunk tank!)
May 15- CMS staff visits us in the morning, early release
May 15- Bill Furbush, CMS principal at 6:30 pm will be speaking to parents here at SMS
May 23- Boston field tirp
June 5- Our trip to CMS
June 17- Field trip to Odiorne Point
June 19- Fifth grade celebration 6:30 pm
June 20- last day

We are learning about:
  • Adding and subtracting fractions
  • Writing persuasive essays
  • Reading historical fiction
  • 13 Colonies