Friday, May 10, 2013

5V News

Boston field trip:
Two parents were chosen by lottery to have their admission paid for by the school.  If you were not notified you may still join us on the bus!  Here are links to the two events that include pricing:

Boston Tea Party Museum:

Freedom Trail:

We are learning about:
  • Colonization
  • Multiplying fractions
  • Persuasive Essays 
  • Historical Fiction
Some activities we did this week:
  • Practiced multiplying fractions
  • Made area models for multiplying fractions
  • Brainstormed persuasive essay ideas
  • Chose our audience and voice for our persuasive writing pieces 
  • Researched the New England, Middle or Southern colonies
  • Created postcards to convince our relatives in Europe to move to the colonies
  • Finished Maniac Magee during read aloud
  • Discussed high quality response to reading in preparation for book groups
  • Chose our historical fiction book group books and began reading
  • Enjoyed our school's wellness walk 
Upcoming dates
May 10- PTO fun run at 6:00 (you may see me in the dunk tank!)
May 15- CMS staff visits us in the morning, early release
May 15- Bill Furbush, CMS principal at 6:30 pm will be speaking to parents here at SMS
May 23- Boston field tirp
June 5- Our trip to CMS
June 17- Field trip to Odiorne Point
June 19- Fifth grade celebration 6:30 pm
June 20- last day

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