Valentine's Day:
You should be hearing from our room parent soon about contributing to our class party that will be held on Friday, February 13th. Students are welcome to bring in Valentines and even candy (but of course I will attempt to limit their consumption during the school day) for all students in the class. The class blog site ( is a great place to get a list of student names in the class.
Once we get back into the swing of things here is what's coming up next...
- Finishing up our 13 colony commercials (look for those on the blog soon!)
- Starting our next science unit on matter
- Two dimensional geometry
- Revisiting some comprehension strategies and then book clubs in reading
- Continuing our research-based argument essays in writing
A few other things...
- For the remainder of the year our word study/ spelling cycle will last 2 weeks instead of 1 week. We are finding we are not getting in enough class time with the words and patterns.
- Vocabulary search- you may have noticed your child now has a vocabulary search as a part of homework. Each week they will be presented with either a word root, prefix or suffix and students should find 5 words that "fit" the meaning for the week. The purpose is exposure to these word roots, prefixes and suffixes to enhance their reading but also to expand their writing. Students are welcome to use any source to find the words but they should understand the definitions if they are writing them down :)
Have a great weekend!
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