- Division
- Character study in reading and writing
- Circulatory system
- Early colonization in North America
Ask your child about:
- watching Jennifer Holm read aloud the last chapter of her book, The Fourteenth Goldfish
- our blog posts on the main character of our books
- the debate on the lost colony of Roanoke (photos below are from the panel discussion)
Our upcoming math unit is on division and we began talking about divisibility rules today. Many students are still not fluent with their math facts which is making multiplication, and even addition and subtraction, very difficult. As we move to division it is increasingly important that students are fluent in their math facts. Students should be spending time every night on their math facts to work toward fluency.
Notes and reminders:
- No school next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday- Happy Thanksgiving!
- Book fair- December 2nd-5th
Have a great weekend!