Please check out the shared document to sign up for a conference time. You can find it here.
Curriculum topics:
- Fractions
- Reading and writing nonfiction
- 13 colonies
- Compared and ordered fractions
- Found equivalent fractions
- Practiced growing talk from reading
- Discussed parts of Something Upstairs by Avi by doing "save the last word for me"
- Used Google maps to research the Daniel Stillwell house in Providence
- Continued researching the 13 colonies
- Gathered images to use in our 13 colonies commercial
- Began adding text features to our nonfiction books
- Used the "Read&Write" app to listen to our writing out loud
- Added to our altered books- "Where I hope to be in ten years..."
Notes and reminders:
- Our Boston Freedom Trail date has been set! We will be going on Tuesday, May 20th. All parents are welcome to attend- more details to follow.
- Jeff Warner, our 5th grade artist in residence will be joining us soon! He begins with us on Monday, April 7th.
- Early releases- Wednesday, April 9th and 16th