- Writing memoir
- Character study in reading workshop
- Estimating and multiplying whole numbers and decimals
- European exploration
Some activities we did this week:
- Participated in our first Mystery Skype with a class from Illinois
- Began reading Wonder during read aloud
- Developed theories about the main characters in our books
- Continued drafting our memoirs
- Practiced estimating products
- Multiplied whole numbers and decimals using the traditional method
- Rehearsed our "R-word" presentations using a skit from http://www.r-word.org/
- Visited other 3rd, 4th and 5th grade classrooms to share our "R-word" presentations
- Took notes after reading The Age of Discovery about what motivated European explorers
- Read about current events on http://www.newsela.com/
Notes and reminders:
- SMS book fair is December 2nd-5th
- The school lunch menu is now online and can be found here
Have a great weekend!