Friday, October 28, 2011

5V News

Class conversation to share:
We had a class discussion about behavior and work expectations because there have been many reminders about focusing and getting our best work done.  I was so impressed with the honesty that came from the students.  They were able to vocalize what they saw happening, how it feels and how they can help make a more positive learning environment.  I was most impressed with the metaphors that came up naturally in the conversation.  Students compared us to a football team where everyone plays an important role and a pyramid because we need to support each other.  I wanted to share that we truly have a class of bright, thoughtful and reflective students. 

We are learning about:

  • Reading comprehension strategies
  • Publishing our first piece of writing
  • Early Native Americans
  • Traditional multiplication 
 Some activities we did this week:
  • Practiced and reviewed traditional multiplication
  • Made estimates before multiplying with decimals
  • Learned about words with the "mal" prefix
  • Reviewed regular and irregular past tense verbs
  • "Lifted a line" from our writer's notebook to begin a new entry
  • Tried starting our stories with three different leads- with character's thoughts, dialogue and action
  • Began typing our stories
  • Discussed how inferring is using your schema and evidence from the text
  • Practiced inferring what type of person would use an object we found in recycling
  • Researched our Native American tribes
  • Started planning our codex on Native American life 
  • Began our altered book project
  • Had a class discussion about behavior expectations and how we can help each other do our best work
 Notes and reminders:
  • Flickr- I've created a flickr account for our class and have started uploading pictures.  More to come!
  • Parent Conferences- I will be sending home a reminder in today's Friday folder.  Please let me know if you'd like to schedule a different time. 
  • Homework- we are into our regular homework routine for the school year with the exception of some future project work that may need to be finished at home.  Here is what should be happening weekly:
    • Reading- nightly
    • Weekly math- due Friday
    • Practice five spelling words- by Thursday
    • Find a word that fits into our vocabulary study- by Friday
    • Blog post and comments- by Friday
    • Practice math facts on Xtra Math at least twice a week
    • Study links or math practice will be sent home most nights

Friday, October 14, 2011

5V News

 We are learning about:
  •  Adding and subtracting decimals
  •  Reading comprehension strategies
  •  Developing seeds in our writer's notebook
Some activities we did this week:
  • Finished our NECAP testing!
  • Created characters for the Storyworks character contest
  • Acted as our invented characters with the rest of the 5th grade
  • Used "thinking stems" to discuss and write about our thinking during reading
  • Focused on metacognition and using schema for reading strategies
  • Discussed how our schema is what makes us unique
  • Created file folders for Ms. Valenti's schema
  • Practiced using our schema during reading
  • Began using Xtra math during class
 Notes and reminders:
  • Please have your child bring in a photograph and an object that are important to them for writing workshop on Monday
  • Please comment on our blog!
We are using a web-based program called XtraMath to increase speed and accuracy in arithmetic. Your child is invited to spend a few minutes each day practicing math on the computer. If you don't have Internet at home I can suggest alternative activities which are also effective. 

Go to and watch the short “Overview” and “Getting Started” videos to find out more.  All students accessed the site today and should have a pin to log in from now on.  They need to enter my email address (, their name and their pin.

If you would like to have access to your child's report you may use your email address and the enrollment code that will be in your child's Friday folder today.  

Students should be practicing their math facts daily and this is a great way to keep track of their progress.  

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Photographs and Artifacts

I'm asking students to bring in at least two meaningful photographs and one object that is important to them.  These should come in by Monday, but students may bring them in before that.  We will be using them to write during writing workshop next week.